
CDLL engages in various actions with communities, government, and other bodies with the objective of breaking the cycle of addiction and making a difference in the lives of youth, families, and society.

CDLL advocates within the business community so that recovered addicts can be integrated into the workforce and lead productive lives. We work directly with HR departments to raise awareness on how to deal with people with past addictions and how help departments better manage drug problems in the workplace. The business sector plays an important role in ensuring addicts’ solid reintegration into society, since not having a secure and stable professional life substantially increases the risk of post-treatment relapse. We also ensure that all patients enroll in a paid internship during treatment in order to help with their re-entry into professional life and to save money in the process.

We also encourage more efficient referral systems between institutions and with Lebanon’s Courts and the ISF (Internal Security Forces).

CDLL is involved in policy reform and has lead a coalition of organizations in drafting a new law that modernizes existing legislation by focusing on effective treatment rather than punishment. CDLL continues to lobby for government approval on fair drug legislation and is determined to bring together important players and ministries under a unified national strategy for countering drug use and trafficking.